"How is this different from Active Release Technique?" — Veracity Soft Tissue and Spine

Written by: Dr. Andrew Wengert

Active Release Technique (ART) and Manual Adhesion Release (MAR) can seem similar at the surface but they have crucial differences. There is a reason why your injury has not been getting better with ART, physical/massage therapy or other medical treatment and you need to understand why.

Active Release Technique (ART):

Active Release Technique (ART) is a patented soft tissue treatment which use specified techniques to release soft tissue adhesions. It was a huge step forward in manual therapy in the early 90’s. But it has it's limitations.

Active Release Technique performed, according to its patent:

The patient points to a symptom chart that matches the symptoms they feel, then the provider performs the protocols associated with that symptom chart.

The Problem:

The problem with this is that the understanding of the patient’s problem gets lost. There is never a complete and accurate diagnosis. The ART provider sees everything as a soft tissue problem.

And Then...

To complicate the problem even more, most ART providers do not even use the symptom charts, and end up just treating structures near the site of pain. So in the end, they are not doing ART as it is patented and still not making a diagnosis.

Dr. Andrew Wengert uses Manual Adhesion Release (MAR). 

So how is Manual Adhesion Release (mAR) different?

Manual Adhesion Release (MAR) is used with the Integrative Diagnosis system. I use a complete history, physical and biomechanical examination, palpation and response to treatment to guide the diagnostic and treatment process. I do not use symptom pattern charts to determine treatment.

One of the most important distinctions is that I make the diagnosis of adhesion prior to delivering treatment. This is a huge point because sometimes, the patient’s problem is not a soft tissue problem.

The actual treatment of Manual Adhesion Release is different than Active Release Technique also.

Dr. Andrew Wengert, Veracity Soft Tissue and Spine

Dr. Andrew Wengert, Veracity Soft Tissue and Spine


Manual Adhesion Release treats adhesions while Active Release Technique treats entire structures. MAR is much more specific.

Manual Adhesion Release teaches depth then tension against the adhesion. ART takes depth and tension at the same time. This may not seem like a major difference, but MAR creates much more tension against the adhesion. This is a huge difference because the tension is what breaks down the adhesion.

If you have had limited results with ART in the past, I urge you to give our office a call.

Manual Adhesion Release
Is Not Competition To
Active Release Technique — 
It Is The Evolution Of It.


Dr. Andrew Wengert is trained in the most advanced conservative treatments for correcting problems in the muscles and joints, and offers the clinical excellence you need to recover. 

